Have you ever met one of those people who is simply BORN FREE? Who doesn't follow the normal conventions, and who you simply cannot help liking? Well I have a friend like that. He flies and Instructs on Trikes and Light Sport aircraft, flies barefoot or in flip-flops and owns a little school with the most appropriate name ever: WOW Flight School
He also happens to be one of those rare guys who strap their wings to their backs. Yep, he is a pretty damn good pilot. And photographer. And loves fishing. And appreciates beauty.
Lockdown 2020 lifted just enough to allow flight training in each school's local area, just in time for the annual Sardine Run. This year's run was amazing. These pics are all taken mid June 2020. Look at the black swirls, these are sardines in the millions off the coast near Umkomaas, KZN, captured by Noel on one of his flights down the coast. The black stringy lines are fishing nets.
If you are ever in the area, give him a call. You are likely to have an experience you will never forget.
Looks like an oil spill from above! Quite a different view from below: